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About Neptune RIBs

Neptune Ribs is an Irish powerboat company, providing high quality RIBs across Ireland and the UK. Our clients savour their family day trips, beach visits, watersports, sun seeking, picnics and fishing on the lakes, rivers and coasts around Ireland and UK. Recognising the priorities for families are safety, comfort, design and affordability, Neptune Ribs offers a wide range of size, specification and finishes.


Neptune RIBS Ltd (IRL)
Cleve House
Blackrock Road
T12 HK2A

Phone: +353 86 258 3278


Boat moored up

Neptune RIBs

A powerboat company, providing high quality RIBs across Ireland and the UK. 

Boat moored upBoat moored up
RIB moored up

Neptune RIBs

A powerboat company, providing high quality RIBs across Ireland and the UK. 

RIB driving past house on cliff
Two RIBs driving past the coastline with housesRIB moored at sunset